Gregor's Room (unofficial work)


Based off of the story Gregor's room, I created a visual representation of what I believed his room would look like. The overall feeling I got after reading this was uncertainty. Orange is a color that can represent many things- good and bad. Through my cultural association of orange to Halloween, I chose orange to represent the dingy and mysterious vibe of Gregor's Room. The black pastel was incorporated to stress this mood to a further extent. All of the pieces are abstract, with different pigmentations of orange to represent the chaos in Gregor's mind. What or who is he?

I don't know.

The Final Project.

A true representation of Gregor's life.

Gregor has no true identification, he is represented with uncertainty as he is a mere stick-like figure.

This is supposed to be a dresser. Meant to hold one's belongings- Gregor doesn't know where he belongs. The drawers are outlined but barely visible. Also sectioned off with caution tape. the dresser represents the society norms and expectations Gregor can never hold up to, perhaps doesn't want to.

Early box-spring process documentation.

Rug process documentation.


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